Friday, May 30, 2008

you don't say!

vendredi 30 mai 2008

Sometimes I surprise even myself.

Other times I just roll my eyes in disbelief.

This time I'm still wondering how it all happened.

Quickly, I think. When my friend Rick arrived in Paris six weeks ago, we talked about our plans in Paris, mine for two months, his for five. I told him it would be cool to do something really liberating, something I never thought I could ever do. We came up with something outrageous (for me); I thought it would be nice to work toward that, knowing that I would never be able to do what we discussed, not to mention that one doesn't come across such an "opportunity" everyday.

Fast forward to six weeks later. Incredibly, this opportunity came up this week. I hesitated, accepted, and did it. Sort of a modern version of veni, vidi, vici.

Incredible, it wasn't as difficult or embarrassing as I had thought it would be. I don't know what this means for me in the future - I suspect nothing, except now I've done yet another thing that I didn't think was possible for me.

What exactly did I do? I'll just end with this:

What happens in Paris stays in Paris.


RICK said...

Alex - tell everyone what you did. What happens in Paris will be with you for a long time to come. You're such a tease! Of course, I KNOW what you did this summer. And to that, I say "congratulations!"

Anonymous said...

Alex I like the last statement of your post. Whatever you did, I sure hope you had a blast !

- Hugo

Richard Kurylo said...

My guess is that Rick took you to his favorite club in Paris. What's the name of that place again?